Tennis, “Ladies Don’t Play Guitar”

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Things have been rather hush from the husband and wife team of Patrick Riley and Alaina Moore since their 2014 album Ritual In Repeat. Since their inception five years ago, many bands recently have been inspired to create their own version of the Tennis ethos. Those breezy vibes and alluring yet substantial vocals are smattered throughout indie. (Tip of the hat to you both.) As we ease into the latter half of 2016, a new track from the Denver duo drops and we now realize that despite all of the pushy pop distractions, nothing can replace what Tennis does when they are at their best.

The track sways with the dubious bulletin: “Ladies don’t play guitar/ Ladies don’t get down, down to the sound of it.” In other hands, the delivery of that stanza would be rightfully indignant. However, Moore dollops the words in her most honeyed coo, which drives the satire even deeper. These days, we are surrounded by six-string goddesses, wielding their instruments in innovative ways. This song is not an ode to those women, but a purposeful misstatement to ward off the non-believers. If you truly don’t believe that shredding can do for some feminine energy, you are sent away with a pitying pat on the head. Otherwise, come on over and listen to the couple’s most realized song to date.