Lit Randomness: Where does Harper Lee put all her money?

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Sure, talk to Harper Lee, but don't mention “THE BOOK.” At The Guardian.

“Nobody knows what she does with her wealth. Her friends say material goods are unimportant to her and that if she gives to charity, she does so anonymously.”

A great list of unexpected lit references in animated television shows:
From Caleb
J. Ross

Midlist authors are dying. And you're killing them: At PopMatters.

This interview is long, but good. Adam Ross on his new book, Mr. Peanut. At Chapter 16. org.

HTML Giant talks to Lee Rourke about foxes and other stuff:

“Sometimes, in the dead of night, you can hear the foxes mating – it’s a horrendous racket which sounds like babies being murdered or something. But I love foxes and totally abhor archaic things like fox hunting. I’d seriously like a fox as a pet, but I don’t know how practical this would be as a) they are wild and free and probably wouldn’t like it and b) we have two cats that might not get along with the fox.”

John Waters (yes, that one) at the Bat Segundo Show.

Ray Bradbury snapshots: At Jacket Copy.