Bird By Snow, “Wide Open”

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Bird By Snow

A body can look at pictures of Big Sur until their are in a dry sting, but until you've been there the pupils will not fog in a watery blur. The same principle applies to Bird By Snow's full length, Offering.

Big Sur inhabitant, Fletcher Tucker records shamanistic Americana as Bird By Snow. On “Wide Open” the spirit of his homeland informs the sound down to the minutest of details. The regal grand piano that lies in the beach front property of the rich and hermetic, the rawhide drums of a nomadic tribes who roamed its rocky coast long before it became a place of affluent retreat. If you've seen Big Sur, really seen it like woken up along one of the shoreline camp grounds or made camp on a hill above the fog, then feeling in “Wide Open” is a familiar one. Whether your amongst the jagged cliffs with a misty breeze from the crashing shores in your face, or above it all looking over a blanket of clouds that beds the ocean to the horizon, “Wide Open” is the only mentality to fall into so as not to feel tiny.

Bird By Snow's Offering is out September 15 on Gnome Life.