Intuition, Dear John

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It does not take too many in depth listens to Girls Like Me to grasp that Intuition is in tune with the man in the mirror. This morning he dropped a name-your-price download that would have fit nicely on his sophomore record.

“Dear John” is somewhere between “Buzzkill” and “Don't Try,” as Intuition gets his self-awareness on by writing a break up letter to all his bad traits. Equalibrum knows how to pander to Intuition's tender side without buckling into corny soul theatrics. The plucked acoustic is always a dangerous route in hip hop, but he lets it ride and slowly builds in the handclaps, soft shakers, twangy slide guitar (yes, he makes it work) and a gospel choir without sending “Dear John” off the deep end. I am still baffled how Intuition is one of the few rappers that's giving this guy work, as he's playing his ANT in Atmosphere-role to a T and helping his coveted rapper grow in sound.

Intuition comes in with “look lazy me I know we had a fun run / but complacency is coming undone / you're out of season / me and / my people trying to come up / you're no longer relying on that dumb luck,” setting up his laundry list of vices he's casting off. This is a great song to drop unexpectedly as it is strong enough to stand on it's own two – as he is attempting to do with the words – and teases the fans as to what's he's cooking up, considering this is possibly one of his best written songs to date. Although I could merely be digging it because I woke up hungover again.

Download “Dear John” here.