Bluebrain make your Central Park soundtrack

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Steve Jobs has passed but his genius will continue to spawn more genius. Washington-DC based Bluebrain is proof of that. Brothers Hays and Ryan Holladay have created something most would say is “revolutionary” but what others would simply call “magic”. Their latest release isn't a CD or even straight digital album but rather an app. And you can't listen to it in your car, in your mom's room. Only in Central Park. The album is a location based record entitled Central Park ('Listen To The Light').

Available only on iPhone and iPad, the app tracks your location by GPS and then alters the sound based on where you are located within the park. It's like a soundtrack to your Central Park adventure and will be a different experience with each listen. Various melodies, rhythms, beats, and instrumental pace will play based on your chosen path. Central Park ('Listen To The Light') is the follow up to The National Mall, another site-specific app that was released by Bluebrain in May. If this sounds totally crazy, that's because it is. But it's also paving the way for incredible projects and ideas within the realms of technology and music. Before you know it, there's going to be a soundtrack to your life. And hopefully it doesn't suck. You can watch the trailer for both Central Park and The National Mall here.