Lauren Ruth Ward "Sideways"

Post Author: Impose Automaton

Early in her youth, Lauren Ruth Ward taught herself how to sing and play guitar from taking cues to the music of her childhood from her moms 70s rock and disco compilations. After graduation, she decided to pursue a successful hairstyling career. Being behind a chair six days a week, Ward started coming to terms with pursuing another career. She wanted a band and needed to find someone with a true dream and passion to make music. So in 2015 she packed up and moved to her new home in Los Angeles in search to find something with that intense fervor. Finally, after the comb, Ward came in contact with a radical band and together they created the nine-track album Well, Hell which is set to be released February 9th, 2018. Recently, she has released the single “Sideways” off the highly anticipated album to give us a little taste of just what’s to come.

“Sideways” is an anthem for those who get lost while acclimating to a new life. Whether it’s intentional or unintentional, you gotta roll with it but not let the people walking faster than you distract you.” – Lauren Ruth Ward

The rousing and foot-tapping track “Sideways” is the amalgam of psychedelic rock with a softer side of folk from the 70s. It is pleasing to hear that such a genre can be pulled off well, as we hear the keen flair from the beautiful voice of Ward.