BEA Book Sausage & Bat Segundo

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Book Expo America has been going on all last week at the Javits Center somewhere in NYC. There are booths, more booths, more expensive booths. There are books, e-readers, publishers. All of this I'm just guessing at, I don't really know.

I'm not in publishing and I don't really know much about it. Actually, strike that, I'm not in “BIG PUBLISHING” so I don't know much about it.

But there is a straight shooter who has become both the gadfly and industry critic of recent years who seems to have an all-access pass. That would be Ed Champion of the Bat Segundo Show and Reluctant Habits. If you are interested in how the publishing sausage is made or what the “trend” words are this year that will quickly become obsolete then check out Reluctant Habits.

Then return there to listen to the excellent Bat Segundo Show, which is really, really in-depth and usually over my head. But if you see an author there that you know, you'll hear them explicate their work better than probably thought they could do.