Fuck Yeah Fest Tour: scenes from the cutting room floor

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Go for Fuck Yeah Fest videos, stay for numbing pleasure of voyeurism.

Enjoy the daily amusements of riding a biodiesel bus with loveable punk bands like Matt and Kim and Team Robespierre from the comfort of your laptop. Ponder why Team Robespierre bought a shopping cart full of carrots. Or how they put their six-foot plus drummer in a porta potty pit. Or just watch episode after episode mindlessly, and do not ask why.

Mike, team robespierre

videothing.com condenses hours of footage into five minute visual collages that read like the scattered outtakes of some over-thinking documentarian's cutting room floor. While a lot of the videos posted so far focus on the LA local music scene, the man behind the camera has departed with the Fuck Yeah Fest's biodiesel bus and documented every day of the ongoing punk tour with Team Robespierre, Matt and Kim, Monotonix, The Deathset, and occasional entrances by Crystal Antlers, Dan Deacon, Brother Reade, Totally Michael, Mannequin Men, Brutal Knights, Circle Jerks, Dillinger Four and Japanther.