Toronto’s Jeen O’Brien, oka JEEN. has been making some thunderous electronic solo sounds & presents the world premiere of the b/w video for “Sirens” directed by Jeff Low featured off the forthcoming Modern Life release. Featuring exquisite & inspired dance moves displayed up in a penthouse of a tall city high rise-the artist known for work in Cookie Duster with Broken Social Scene’s Brendan Canning sends out a host of rumbling reverberations to rattle both the environments of town & country sides alike with a potent pop presence. The character of the surrounding London building sites with the slowed film speed (coupled with the limited chromatic palette) along with dancer Emily Yeun’s kinetic enacting of O’Brien’s viscerally designed rhythms & chord narratives that progress the entire event as something of a transmission signal sent forward to set the tone for future foundations & all sorts of electric possibilities.
“Sirens” is unleashed as a beacon of sound & sights to be sent toward all corners & sections of the world. JEEN. dispels the obsessions of routine & regiments with a siren song of rising body temperatures that spells out urgencies that exist & extend well beyond the daily grinds that seeks out the satisfaction seen & experienced with observing new sunrises as the city lights & utility lamps switch off with the welcome of the new day. The motor spun arrangement depicts JEEN. driving a sonic machine of sound to awaken the sleep deprived & the cynics with a style that is structured with a heart beat racing beat that keeps the entire song & video teetering on the threshold of anxious expectation of big things soon to follow. The interpretive dance maneuvers from Emily Yeun welcomes the wonders of what dreams may materialize where the aesthetic of an enviable state of vertigo is extolled as if one were attending an exclusive dance party engagement in a lofty tower in the big city.

Jeen provided the following thoughts on the song & video for “Sirens”:
My brilliant friend and video director Jeff Low [Biscuit Filmworks] shot the video for “Sirens” in London England. I love the somewhat bleak view through the windows and of course Emily Yeun’s [dancer] performance speaks for itself. The contrast between those two energies really encompass the songs intention…Jeff has directed all but one of my videos and has been integral in creating a visual identity for my songs.
JEEN.’s Modern Life will available soon [TBD].