Paces Lift, “Panther's Pyramid”

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Paces Lift

Perhaps I've discussed the power of formative years music before (I fear a distant sense of deja vu) but in listening to Paces Lift's “Panther's Pyramid” I'm drawn to those bedroom basement days of doing homework to Bonobo, DJ Krush, and trip hop records. For three-and-a-half minutes, I'm not a 20-something journo scraping by, but a relaxed teen, copying my friend's math answers and tapping a pencil on the desk to the beat of Paces Lift.

Based in Seattle, Paces Lift informs “Panther's Pryamid” with a music lesson sample that states “natural and soothing”, appropo to the ease of his beatmaking. Built almost entirely upon percussion and twinkling keys, the soft crunch of the electronic drums are balanced with the bucket rhythms of subway buskers. Pulled from Paces Lift's Themes for Deja Vu, perhaps that was his intention all along, to snap me out of my coffee-fueled hustle, fall back into my couch for a few minutes and give these aching fingers some rest.

Paces Lift's Themes for Deja Vu is available via crew932.