Birthdays, “Pizza Baby”

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birthdays sam yager

Babydude and FMLY man Sammy Yager, who goes by the moniker Birthdays, sounds all grown-up on the newest cut from his forthcoming full-length, due out later this year. “Pizza Baby” is anything but what the jovial title implies. Proliferating the vocal manipulation so frequently used by Karin Dreijer, the the track is morose: with almost-indistinguishable lyrics describing the pleasure of introversion and repetitive piano intermingled with samples of laughter, the song becomes a beautifully ironic take on a ballad. “Pizza Baby” is a step away from his typically dance-party-inducing tracks, but just goes to show that life is not always about fun and games. Catch Birthdays at a FMLY-related event, or check more tracks at his bandcamp.