Sayth, “A Formal Apology to Grandma Wells (ft. Wealthy Relative)”

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Wisconsin rapper Sayth got introspective on the first single of his Body Pillow EP, and the second, “A Formal Apology to Grandma Wells”, keeps the reflective streak going. Sayth (Eric Wells) uses the premise of an apology to his grandmother and a hauntingly transfixing beat to look deeper into himself and present some unfortunate realities.

Recapping strange family vacations and their maze of gossip, awkward conversations, and alcohol with his matter-of-fact delivery, Wells then transitions into the struggle of living up to expectations that come from both someone else and from within. The rest of the North House-produced track is dominated by a Wealthy Relative feature that deftly weaves through the trials of early adulthood, particularly the unfortunate financial reality of an independent artist. Sayth and Wealthy Relative have a lot of weight on their minds, but the sonic result is astounding calmness.