Xray Eyeballs bedroom delicacies

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I once tried to order the “Jackie Chan” from the corner bodega near Xray Eyeballs' fast times Greenpoint HQ but they wouldn't budge and serve us a slab of sandwich know-how devised by and for O.J. Pojay San Felipe and no one else, with a list of ingredients we assume includes gold dust, angel dust, and plenty of “hot peppa” since the thing's reserved exclusively for the Filipino garage masta who threw three new home-recorded garage scraps at the Soundcloud firmament and started letting the masses know on this gloomy Brooklyn morning, October 1, year of our lord 2010.

We hope tracks with names like “Pill Rider” and “Die Little Love” were assembled under the influence of that elusive bodega delicacy reserved for one man alone, and that when the guys who worked the deli told us it was just some veggies piled up on wheat bread, they were protecting us from the real deal.

Here is some of what that real deal would sound like, if that real deal was no longer a sandwich, but instead a garage tune:

New Wave (Xray Eyeballs home recordings Vol. #3) by xrayeyeballs

Pill Riders (Xray Eyeballs home recordings Vol. #3) by xrayeyeballs

Die Little Love (Xray Eyeballs home recordings Vol. #3) by xrayeyeballs