1000timesyes Chris Weingarten #140Conf Speech SEO

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Chris Weingarten at #140Conf SEO. Music Critic at 140 Conference speech about music industry and Twitter. 1000timesyes. Speech tirade swearing Chris Weingarten #140Conf against music industry, search engine optimization, “Good Writing dies at the hands of Search Engine Optimization.” Chris Weingarten Twitter.

Misquotes pulled from #140Conf:

“It doesn't matter what words you use anymore but how loudly & how often you say them.”

“Fuck the numbers. Download an album from a band because you like their name. Don't believe the hype.”

“In the music biz, everyone is scratching everyones back now and no one has the balls to say anything sucks.”

“Everyone is scratching everyone else's back right now and no one is left to say shit sucks.”