Patrick Stickles on the Illuminati, being a capitalist and singing telegrams

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On the fifth episode of Impose's freewheeling show on Heritage Radio Network, Nothing Urgent, the gruesome twosome gets a chance to catch up on all the important issues of the week, from camping to gluing hockey sticks to young infants' hands to the terrible TV our benevolent founder indulges in. Stick around after the pingponging banter to hear a conversation with Chris Mooney, a contributor to Mother Jones and Climate Desk, and the host of Climate Desk Live, regarding global warming and the politics of undoing climate change. And for those in denial about the heating of the planet, don't miss a chat with Titus Andronicus' figure of fury, Patrick Stickles, on his new turn to monetizing his punk band at the behest and to the benefit of his fans.

You can stream all of Episode 5 here, and stay tuned every Wednesday at 6:30pm to hear more from Impose's higher-ups.