Spring Punk Jams

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Yellow Spring Chickens Used with Creative Commons license.

This week, Eric brings you a ton of new music, a bit more chill than what he’s known for playing and also did you know that Chicks on Speed released an album last year? Neither did we!

“Lost Summer Day Dreaming” by Modularfield
“Nervous Wreck” by Expert Timing
“dancing inside my soul” by letty
“Ummm Yeeeaah, I’m Pretty Sure That’s Just Ghosts” by Shredding
“Young God Training Program” by LSDeity
“Ambulance” by Russian Baths
“Long Walk Home” by Trashy
“Pall Malls In The Rain” by LINDA
“Pride On The Fire” by The Vivian Disorder
“I DON’T LISTEN” by Porridge Radio
“GENTRIFY THE MOON” by West America
“Pussywhipped” by Lady Bits
“Mutter” by Warriors of Darkness
“Ton Allure ton Violet” by Nüshu
“I’m Better Now” by BREN
“Sleep Anxiety” by Mock Order
“AA Mike” by The Furr
“Encapuchados” by ATRAKO
“Sugar Bowl” by Marcus Granberg
“Plastic Bag” by Chicks On Speed

Bonus, Eric also did a mix for House of Feelings. You can check that out here. House, techno, revolutionary feminist speeches, rap. The usual.