Midnight Snackers, "I Need an Adult"

Post Author: Anna Hinton

Midnight Snackers is composed of five eccentric members: Dylan Haas (vocals & guitar), Vincent Courtroy (guitar), RL Butterfield (bass), Brendan Ahern (drums, vocals & synthesizer) and Ralph Patterson (drums, vocals & synthesizer). The music video for their latest release, “I Need an Adult,” truly captures the comedic personality of the band.
The group started as an experiment in a garage with a couple of keyboards. They wanted to create the kind of music they enjoyed rather than conforming to what came before. Their goal was to create an entertaining live show that everyone could enjoy. Says the band:

Dylan has always been a really hip dancer, ever since he invented the extended belly rub, pop icons have really gravitated to his earth shattering moves.  He first unleashed it while recording vocals to this track, and fortunately Vincent was there to capture it’s inception.  He said, “I think we can make this into a music video,” so we grabbed our best driving gloves, toys, gear and jumped into the void, which is where we filmed this hot piece of masculine sexploitation.

“I Need an Adult” discusses the hazard of falling in love, and at one point, equates it to drugs:  “blows my mind with a gram of cocaine/ and I’m taking shit straight to my brain.” The song is completely relatable for most listeners. Most have been in love and understand the addiction it holds. The video is full of humor. It isn’t composed of special effects or over the top scenes. Instead, it’s full of booty shakes and goofy dancing. Its quirkiness gives it the extra edge and is a special effect in its own.
Keep up with Midnight Snackers here.