Face sucking in new Xiu Xiu video

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This track is smoother than the average Xiu Xiu track. It slowly ascends towards the supple Gamalen-like soft-serve processes of upstarts like High Places, a band with one member, Mary Pearson, who Xiu Xiu's Jamie Stewart cherry picked for his A Soundtrack for a Polaroid of Two Trees in Indiana bonus CD. It's called “I Do What I Want, When I Want” and it's gorgeous, sounding a little like floating over clouds might feel, with a slight chance of turbulence. This accompanying video plays against the jet stream with cutely violent camcorder footage (display of what they really want to do to Rolling Stone?) and mugshots of our heroes in the band, variously drooling, fussing and using vacuums to suck their faces off.

I Do What I Want, When I Want: