Initial Pool Party lineups revealed

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[Photo by Sam Horine]

The shows keep getting bigger but the pool stays the same. Here are some of the official lineups for Jelly NYC's annual McCarren Pool shows, which, on their third year, can officially be dubbed a hipster tradition. Since we are enormous hipsters over here at Impose, we've already broken out the seasonal short shorts and started shaking the dust out of our giant beards, which we are hoping are still fashionable after a ten month stint in our closet (the beards, not us).

June 29::

Hold Steady with White Denim

July 20::

Liars and special guests who may have played an after party with Angus and the crew a few months ago.

July 27::

MGMT and Black Moth Super Rainbow

August 3::

Black Lips, Deerhunter, and a crazy motherfucker who those aforementioned Atlantans (and Vice) seem to think is the second coming.

There are other rumors as well. Apparently The Breeders may make an appearance in July, though no date's set. Team Robespierre's in that same boat.

More confirmations, rumors and vague threats to come.