Lil Wayne's fan mail

Post Author:, the site set up to track his incarceration and post the letters he sends out to the public, recently posted Weezy's fourth letter, which included his routine:

I know that people are inquisitive of what I do all day, so here goes. I wake up around 11AM. Have some coffee. Call my kids, and my wonderful mother. I then shower up. Read fan mail. Have lunch. Back on the phone. Read a book or write some thoughts down. Have dinner. Phone. Pushups. Then I listen to ESPN on the radio. Read the bible, then sleep. That’s my day.

In between showering and having lunch there is the 'read fan mail' session, which has inspired a pile of reverent, thoughtful responses posted up beneath his latest letter. You can almost see the Cash Money mogul going all moralistic and positive on his next album.

While the best fan response may still be Lil Wayne's kind words for
Chelsea from Pittsburg, (“I honestly couldn’t read your letter from
your handwriting. sorry but thanx anyway”), it's interesting to see his
fan shout outs grow longer, both in the number of people he chooses to
respond to and in the amount of words he spends on each person.

The politique:
Taylor Buud – Me and Miley? Different, but cool. Enjoy Utah.

The continental:
Le Nourichel Lendy – I thank you for the French love. And the French lesson. God bless you and your family.

The Mark Whalberg:
Josey Portillo – I appreciate you as a fan. I hope that your soccer dream comes true and say hi to mom for me.

And of course, lining up the date book (there's a lot of this going on):
Alicia Gatica – I simply loved your words and the card. I’d love to have that date.
Elizabeth Ann – Thanx for the love mama. And your eyes are capturing.

Write him yourself:

Eric M. Taylor Center (EMTC)
Dwayne Carter NYSID# 02616544L
10-10 Hazen Street
East Elmhurst, NY 11370