
Adryon de León – “Ally”

Post Author: Myles Hunt

Funk-soul musician discusses her dynamic social justice anthem

Everyone can finally take a moment to breathe as 2021 brings about the gift of potential hope. It may take a while, but positive changes are on the horizon. Citizens will not forget the events that unfolded this past year, knowing full well that they will be doomed to occur again. History can repeat itself in tumultuous ways if left unchecked. Multi-faceted artist and musician, Adryon de León, is making sure listeners remain true to their cause of racial and social justice with her track via Color Red, aptly titled “Ally”

Despite the overwhelming nature of 2020, let alone the unpleasant start of the new year with the capital riots, there is a sense of rejuvenation at hand. Black Lives Matter efforts remain strong and its contrast is forever apparent with the disappointing double standard that was applied on January sixth amongst rioters and law enforcement.

“Ally” features exquisite production talent from Max MacVeety and David Tam, who give the song the necessary punch it needs to resonate across the sound waves. Drums enter the deep as listeners begin their march. Adryon’s soulful voice bellows through, following along closely with that compelling parade. Funk reigns supreme, giving the track a defiant strength. There is power within, and listeners will be able grasp onto it with clear precision. An anthem for a collective goal of empathy leads listeners to join in proudly. It only helps that the song vibes well every step of the way. Listeners will not be alone in this, and “Ally” gives them that allegiance for the greater good. It will be a classic piece of musical history that will be tested by opportunities leading into the future. 

Adryon’s paired music video for “Ally,” directed by Kaz PS, reveals to viewers that clear disparity with footage of the protests in response to the murder of George Floyd. The treatment of BLM protestors in comparison to the rioters on the Capital Building of the United States leaves a bitter taste on the American dichotomy. “Ally” is a perfect path for self-reflection, awareness and remembrance of that immediate need for change. Adryon delves right into that message as she talks more about the track and her hopes for the future.

What does this track define for you?

The track actually provides an assist to re-define a movement and reminds us that racial injustice is still rampant and requires the attention of every citizen of this country. 

How have the events of 2020 influenced your artistic growth or perspective?

Like most artists (and everyone on the planet), 2020 robbed us of opportunity. Losing live performances and instantaneous human feedback affected me most…2020 did offer the space to reflect, revise, and humble ourselves. I’ve learned to better trust my instincts, to open myself up to all types of projects, and to lean on my fellow artists in dark times. 

What keeps you on your toes as an artist?

Other artists. I’m always inspired and in awe of our community which motivates me to reach for bigger goals!

When not enveloped in music, what is your saving grace?

My husband, who grounds me, my family and friends, who unabashedly support me, my puppy, who brings me joy, and junk reality TV. 

The United States has a chance to begin again, what do you wish to see happen?

I wish for more empathy and compassion in the political sphere, in the streets and in the home…I wish for us to be kinder to ourselves. We’re doing the best we can.