
PVLMS – ‘All The Time’ EP

Post Author: Kelly Kerrigan

Lo-fi electronic duo stuns with forward-thinking new EP

Lexi Sacco and Frank Stevens, better known as the lo-fi duo PVLMS, have returned with their most prospective EP yet All the Time. After a year of struggles and challenges, the duo has their mind and sound set on the future, displayed best in the new record. 

The second track on the EP “Coastal Service” pairs best with a long sunset drive while “After Rain,” the record’s closer, depicts the “calm after the storm” the two have felt after the past year. The full 24 minute-14 second collection of lo-fi beats is experimental and soothing as it leads listeners on a journey through struggle, perseverance and resolution. 

“We’ve moved seven times in the past year and a half. This EP manifested itself based on both our ambitions and unforeseen setbacks. We all know that 2020 was a strange year. We hope this release leaves you feeling more clarity looking ahead to the future.”

You can find the EP everywhere on January 25, but for now you can check out All the Time hear their thoughts on the EP below.

You talked about unforeseen setbacks and moving a lot over the last year. In addition to that, the pandemic and world environment, what have learned from this year that you have brought into this music? 

During COVID, we both learned how important it is to remember that time is relative. A lot of the days bled into one another during 2020. It was easy to let go of any routine and forget what day it was even. There was a lot of uncertainty due to our fresh move, our cat passing, and months of quarantining that greatly impacted our motivations. We think that quarantine was a lesson in itself; we learned to let go of certain expectations. Sometimes when the world seems so unbearably negative, it’s important to allow yourself to escape, whether that be through video games or making music. We also believe that this EP came together perfectly due to us not having a deadline or particular vibe in mind. It wasn’t until piecing the tracks together that we could see the story come to shape organically. This EP reflects months of trial, error, and recovery.

Has it been easier or harder for you to find time to be creative this year? 

Both. Motivation to do anything for a while was hit or miss. There were definitely some of the most and least creatively productive days of our lives during 2020. There was and is always a pressure to make something great, however, when you let go of that notion, sometimes you make something even more meaningful.

How would you say this release is different than your other releases? 

This release is more thought-provoking and less focused on following any sort of current trends. We really wanted to express multiple feelings and emotions with each track while still allowing them all to seamlessly remain on the same record. We also took more time than we have in the past on deciding the tracklist order and how it would relate to the listener. If you were to listen to this EP in reverse order, there would be a much different story.

What is it that you’re most proud of with this EP? 

The fact that it’s coming out, in general, is something we’re very proud of. We tend to sit on a lot of music and are fortunate to have a friend like Justin Jay who continues to support and understand our creative direction. We’re also proud of what this EP represents and we will continue to reference it as a hopeful turning point for 2021.