Angelo Spencer is another point for Olympia

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He is also another reason for me to ask myself why I am I paying out my bung to live in a tiny apartment, to eat shitty food, and to deal with a music scene that is more bad than good? (Sans most anything covered on Impose, that is.)

Angelo Spencer is my newest reason to imagine that Olympia is like a wonderland. He plays music that sounds like a combination of Sir Richard Bishop, The Ventures, and a Morricone soundtrack for a film starring Eastwood. He got Karl Blau and Arrington de Dionyso to come be in his band, and they just put out Et Les Haus Sommets on K.

Does all that sound good to you? Will this start the exodus from New York to Olympia? Blame it on Angelo!

Angelo Spencer et Les Hauts Sommets , ā€œEstoniaā€