
Nectar – “Fishy”

Post Author: Jeff Cubbison

Rising Midwest power pop band stuns with infectious new single

Nectar is a band from Illinois that creates a propulsive, fuzzy and infectious brand of power pop. Driving power chords, heart-on-your-sleeve lyrics, and catchy melodies consume their sound, with their 2018 debut LP Knocking At The Door being a particular highlight of the garage/pop-punk DIY scene in recent years. Today, the band is sharing the short and sweet new single “Fishy,” their second new track of 2020 following the rollicking “Blister.”

A snappy, breezy song clocking in at a minute-and-a-half, “Fishy” wastes not a single second, blasting off behind a swirl of throttling basslines, distorted guitar riffs, and anthemic vocal harmonies. The track’s shimmering chorus brings a searing, heartfelt honesty ripe for sing-along, even as the lyrics underscore a sense of nagging anxiety within a blooming relationship: “Does it make me stupid/ To want to believe/ Everything that you say to me…”

“’Fishy’ is an atypical love song inspired by MTV’s Catfish,” the band shared. “Throughout the song, the joy of a new crush blossoms and bends to the sway of anxiety and uncertainty over what is real.”

Overall, it’s a catchy, nervy love song that recalls the likes of Charly Bliss and Ratboys, and another sign of bigger things to come for Nectar. Give it a spin below.