1000TimesNo, not quite the poor man's 1000TimesYes

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Not to be confused with the 2009 children's book, random personal blog, 1935 animated short starring Betty Boop, nor even as a contrarian counter-response to every tweet Chris Weingarten makes on 1000timesyes, 1000timesno is actually a glimpse into the pile of merde that Temporary Residence gets in the mail everyday.

Jeremy Devine is not quite on track for 1,000 demos review-tweeted in 2010, but the 300-odd up so far are worth a visit.

Maybe those who send demos to a label known for Explosions in the Sky and Songs:Ohia aren't getting too many packs of bubblegum pop, but there will never be a shortage of fodder for two-liner quips about terrible press releases, terrible band names, or grunge metal (always terrible):

0288/DREADED SILENCE: I was really hoping these guys all had dreads, but none of them do. In fact, most of them don’t even have hair.

0230/MICKEY STRANGE: Bio includes the terms “test marketed,” “public appeal,” and “strategy.” Sounds like disco Barry White, but not cool.

0285/POPULATION FOUR: There are five people in this band, so who’s not getting counted here? My money’s on the singer.

0329/THE KORDZ: Apparently, even in the Middle East they have shitty trailer park modern rock. Thanks for nothing, Nickelback.