Listen: Sebastien Grainger covers Gnarls (and completes EP)

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[The Vampire Weekend effect: coming to a chandelier-bedecked band photo near you.]

This will not help you miss Death From Above 1979 any less, (just like listening to MSTRKRFT) but former lead singer Sebastien Grainger & The Mountains have a new solo EP called American Names out now digitally on iTunes Canada. Suddenly “creative differences” makes perfect sense in comparing the direction Jesse Keeler went and where we find Grainger.

The EP might appear a slim four songs, but fret not, these puppies are fucking HUGE. Three of these power pop beauties can be heard on old Sebas' MySpace page, while the fourth, comes with an iTunes Canada membership, which is probably free to canucks, but costs us freedom lovers a pretty penny.

If this option is out of the question, chillax because a Sebass full-length is on the way: “this record is an opening statement but in no way do I think it's a map of things to come…it's a jump off…hopefully a solid step back into the world. I still haven't written my Thunder Road.” To that I say, good. Don't turn me on again, just yet… I am still recovering from post-DFA1979 syndrome and just got on my meds for KRFT Shock.

The EP and LP were played and recorded entirely by Grainger (becoming a four-piece on tours), but not every bedroom recording is a treasure from under the bed. Grainger's cover of Gnarls Barkley's “Who's Gonna Save My Soul” is plain creepy. No one is trying to save the soul of a some heavy breathing dude whispering falsetto in your ear. It sounds like a kidnapper's recordings with the acoustic guitar being played down the hall by psycho-Grainger's mutated henchman. Get out more, homie… the record is finished. Go take in some fresh air or go on tour.

Sebastian Grainger, “Who's Gonna Save My Soul” (Gnarls Barkley cover)